Houston Uber & Lyft Accident Attorney

Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft has seen a great increase in popularity over the years.  As such so has accidents involving vehicles driven by Uber and Lyft drivers but how who is liable for the accident since they are contracted workers, the driver?  Uber?  Lyft?  Turns out the answer is not that simple.

Attorney Paul Moody has tons of experience handling injury claims involving ride-sharing.  Whether you have been hit by an Uber or Lyft driver or you were a passenger when an accident took place, it is a good idea to seek the counsel of an experienced personal injury attorney if you have been seriously hurt in the accident.

Houston Car Accident Lawyer Paul Moody

What to do after a car accident

Car accidents happen everyday.  If you have been involved in an accident there are some steps you can take to give you the best chance of getting the money you deserve to get your life back in order.

Your health is your first priority.  If you have been injured or think you have been injured, it is best that you are assessed by medical personnel. Call 911 and report the accident.  It is important for your case that the extent of your injuries are documented.  Injuries sustained in the accident may result in short, long or permanent disabilities that may determine your settlement.

If you are able, gather as much information as possible.  That includes the other driver(s) information and insurance, accident location, road and weather conditions and witnesses.  Take photos if possible.  The police officer on scene should provide you with a case number you will need to obtain the crash report.

It is always a good idea to talk to an experienced car accident attorney after a serious accident involving injuries.  You may have sustained short, long or permanent disabilities.  Insurance companies will work hard to give you the least amount of money to settle your case.  An attorney will make sure all your loss is figured into the settlement amount.  Studies have shown that people represented by attorney typically get up to 40% more settlement amounts than those that handle the case themselves.

Houston Ride Sharing Accident Statistics

With its growing popularity, ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft has exponentially increased its ridership.  Some studies indicate that over 1,000 car accident deaths annually can be attributed to rideshare vehicles.  Overall, ridesharing is a safe mode of transportation but if you are seriously injured, different rules come into play on who is liable to pay for your expenses, pain and suffering.

Rideshares Per Second
Fatalities per year
Uber-related deaths

Does Uber and Lyft provide insurance coverage for their drivers?

Both Uber and Lyft offers insurance coverage for their drivers but it depends on the “mode” they were in when the accident occurs.  Both services require that their drivers maintain minimum liability insurance and in the event that they are out of service and simply driving themselves, their insurance policy will cover damages to its limits.  If the driver is in “available” mode but not actually transporting a rider, then the driver’s own insurance covers the damages but a contingency insurance plan kicks in as a secondary coverage.  When the rideshare is actually transporting a rider, then both Uber and Lyft has a $1 million property damage and $1 million liability coverage for their drivers who have been determined to be at fault.

Frequently Asked Auto Accidents Questions

According to Uber, you should make sure that all involved parties are safe following the accident, notify the police and paramedics if necessary, and then contact Uber. After you report the accident, you will receive an incident report form via email. All involved insurance carriers will investigate and determine whether Uber’s insurance coverage applies. You should receive a response within two to three business days. Uber also has a $1,000 deductible that applies to its physical damage coverage.

Yes, but as in any car accident legal case, you must be able to prove that the rideshare driver was at fault in the accident and show the extent of the damages incurred, which may include any physical injuries sustained. Both Uber and Lyft carry $1 million in insurance coverage for personal injury, property damage, and death caused by their drivers.

The amount you receive from Uber for your accident lawsuit depends on the extent of the damages incurred. The lawsuit you bring against Uber or Lyft may include past and future costs associated with medical treatment for injuries sustained, lost wages or income due to injury, punitive damages, and past and future physical or mental pain and suffering. But first it must be determined what “mode” the driver was in at the time of the accident.  And fault must be determined that the rideshare driver was at fault.  You must be able to prove any damages you claim.

Paul Is Here To Help You

Just because both Uber and Lyft carry $1 million insurance policies does not mean you will receive the maximum benefit.  It depends on determining fault, liability and extent of your injuries and loss.  Attorney Paul Moody is an experienced personal injury lawyer.  He will help you determine the full extent of your loss now and in the future as well as build a strong case for your lawsuit.  Studies have shown that people who are represented by an attorney typically earn a settlement amount significantly higher than those that go at it alone and simply accept the insurance companies offer.

Expect more from your personal injury attorney

Paul Moody Personal Injury Attorney